Vestibular Physiotherapy
Physiotherapist Anne Africa offers specialist Vestibular Physiotherapy treatment for patients who experience vertigo, dizziness and imbalance due to vestibular dysfunction. Vestibular Physiotherapists who have undergone specialist training are able to assess and treat a variety of vestibular conditions including BPPV, Vestibular neuritis, Vestibular Migraine, Cervicogenic Dizziness and other disorders. Her approach involves careful assessment, utilising state of the art equipment, best practice and effective targeted treatment, to ensure your condition is resolved as soon as possible, and advice on how to manage your condition in the long term.
Assessment and treatment of vertigo, dizziness and imbalance due to vestibular dysfunction.
What is vestibular physiotherapy?
Vestibular physiotherapy is the assessment and treatment of vertigo, dizziness and imbalance due to vestibular dysfunction.
Our approach to vestibular physiotherapy
Through careful assessment of signs and symptoms and with the use of infrared goggles, we are able to accurately determine the cause of your dizziness and vertigo and then treat accordingly.The infrared goggles in particular allow for a thorough assessment and recording of the nystagmus which in turn dictates which treatment we use. It is a common misconception that all BPPV is treated with the Epley Manoeuvre. This is only correct if your vertigo is caused by a posterior canal BPPV. The Epley manoeuvre will make your symptoms worse if the cause of your vertigo is a horizontal canal BPPV. The infrared goggles allow us to see which canal in your inner ear is causing your BPPV so that your symptoms are not made worse.
Treatment techniques used with Vestibular Physiotherapy
The treatments prescribed for vestibular disorders depend on the diagnosis, symptoms, history and results from the objective examination. Treatment techniques include:
Canalith Repositioning manoeuvres
Canalith repositioning manoeuvres are used in the treatment of BPPV. They involve a specific pattern (depending on which canal is involved) of head and trunk movements designed to reposition the otoconia (crystals) to a place in the inner ear where they can't cause symptoms. The Epley manoeuvre is an example of this.
Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy
Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy is used in the treatment of Vestibular Neuritis and other vestibular disorders. It uses specific head, body and eye movements to retrain the brain to recognize and process signals from the vestibular system and coordinate them with the information it is receiving from the visual and proprioception systems. The choice of exercises will differ from person to person and will be individually tailored depending on the presentation and symptoms. The Rehabilitation programme includes Gaze Stability exercises, Habituation exercises, Balance and aerobic exercises
Common conditions which can be helped with vestibular physio
We treat a variety of vestibular conditions including BPPV, Vestibular neuritis, Vestibular Migraine, Cervicogenic Dizziness and other disorders. If you are unsure if we can help you please feel free to ring 52215377 to discuss your individual case.