Our physiotherapists at our Geelong West Clinic specialize in the treatment of Back and Neck pain and headache, Musculoskeletal and Sports injuries, Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis and Post-Operative Rehabilitation. Our approach involves a comprehensive assessment of your condition, use of the latest evidence-based treatments; including hands on techniques and tailored therapeutic exercise programs and advice in regards to injury prevention.
Active therapy leads to more effective management
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is the use of physical techniques, including hands on therapy and therapeutic exercise, to reduce pain and improve movement and function in people who have sustained a musculoskeletal injury or a negatively impacted by a variety of other conditions or diseases.
Our approach to physiotherapy
The physiotherapists at Aberdeen Health Rooms are specially trained to provide the most researched and effective treatment for spinal, Musculoskeletal and sporting injuries. Our approach to physiotherapy involves a comprehensive assessment of your condition, including a very detailed history and repeated testing of your movements, which helps us to determine the exact cause of your injury and the most effective treatment. Treatment usually includes hands on therapy and / or prescribed specific exercises which help provide rapid relief of pain and other associated symptoms and restore normal healthy movement, strength and function. We also educate you on postures you should adopt and postures to temporarily avoid; which prevents aggravation of your condition and improves recovery times. By managing your condition in this way, you improve resilience of the soft tissues associated with your injury and gain knowledge on how to minimize the risk of your injury recurring in the future; which provides you with the best opportunity for an optimal long-term outcome.
Physiotherapy Treatment Techniques and Services
The McKenzie Method: we specialize in this method of physiotherapy and its philosophy of more active patient involvement in all treatments and extensive education is fundamental to our approach to best practice patient care.
Exercise prescription to improve joint movement, flexibility, strength, balance and overall function.
Physio group exercise programs for the management of conditions such as recurring and persisting back pain, hip and knee osteoarthritis and most other musculoskeletal injuries.
Joint mobilisation and manipulation to reduce pain and stiffness
Soft tissue mobilisation (massage)
Dry Needling and Acupuncture
Muscle Energy Technique: a form of gentle manual therapy which uses targeted isometric muscle contractions to reduce pain and improve Musculoskeletal function.
Post-Operative Rehabilitation – to ensure you get the best outcomes following any orthopaedic surgery.
Workplace Ergonomic Assessment, Manual Handling Retraining and Injury Prevention Seminars
Pre employment Medical Screening
Dry needling
Common conditions which can be helped with our Physiotherapy treatments
Back Pain, Neck Pain and Headache
Intervetebral Disc Injuries; including bulging discs or disc protrusion (slipped disc)
Radiculopathy +/- pins and needles or power loss (nerve root irritation, pinched nerve and sciatica)
Rotator cuff Injuries; including tears, tendonitis, tendinopathy of supraspinatus and biceps tendons, sub acromial bursitis, sub acromial impingement, Frozen Shoulder
Tennis Elbow (epicondylitis)
Wrist and hand injuries: including De Qurveins Tensynovitis and Osteoarthritis
Hip Pain: including Hip bursitis (Greater trochanteric and Gluteal) and Gluteal Muscle tendonitis, tendinopathy or tear.
Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis (see GLA:D treatment)
Spinal joint mobilisation
Sports Injuries including
Knee Injuries: ACL, MCL and PCL injury and Meniscus Injuries
Knee pain: ITB syndrome (runners’ knee), Patellofemoral Joint Syndrome (PFJ injury), Patellar tendinitis (tendinosis)
Shoulder Joint dislocations and AC joint injuries
Ankle ligament injuries
Achillies tendon Injury (tendonitis)
Muscle tears: including hamstring, calf and quadricep muscle injuries