Physiotherapy and Physio led Exercise Private Session

Initial Assessment$100.00*
Subsequent Standard$95.00*
Subsequent Long$100.00*
Telehealth Consultation$60.00*

VeSTIBULAR PHYSIOTHERAPY (VErtigo and Dizziness Management)

Initial Assessment$115.00*
Subsequent Standard$105.00*
Telehealth Consultation$60.00*

Physio GROUP Exercise including clinical Pilates

Casual$47.50 per class
6 pack pass$45.50 per class
12 pack pass$44.00 per class
Telehealth Consultation$30.00

GLA:D Program foR hip and knee osteoarthritis

(consists of 12 sessions of group exercise)

Single Session$47.50
Telehealth Consultation$30.00

Remedial Massage and Sports Massage

30 minutes$85.00*
45 minutes$95.00*
60 minutes$105.00*


30 minute class $20

Cancellation Policy

Less than 24 hours notice for cancellation may attract a fee of 50% of the usual consultation fee.

*Private Health Insurance rebates may apply – please contact your health fund. Aberdeen Health Rooms is a Member's First facility for BUPA - therefore alternate pricing will apply to these members. Note: Pensioners and Health Care Card holders will receive a discount for private physiotherapy and vestibular physiotherapy.